Personal Childhood Web

Shakita: Mother, daughter, granddaughter,
niece, and best friend

My Beautiful Mother:
Being a single mother of 3, we were not limited to anything! She provided me and my 2 older sisters with everything we needed and more.  I never heard her complain about anything and while in public school, she never missed neither of our extra activities.  She still goes above and beyond for her girls and now her beautiful 3 grandchildren. Our number 1 girl!
My 2 Sisters
My oldest sister 8 years older than me, and the middle sister being only 3 years older, we never missed a beat together.  Yes, we all had friends our age growing up, but we always supported each other.  Now, being young adults, we are always traveling together, planning parties for our children and just spending as much time as possible. 
3 Aunties
Even though I have plenty of aunts and uncles, there were always 3 of my aunties that were in the same town that supported me the most. One, being the youngest out of the nieces and nephews, I always traveled a lot and received gifts =). But besides that, they attended plenty of my sport events in school and when I had my daughter, they were there to support right along with my mom, sisters, uncle and plenty of cousins.
My Grandparents
.  I had the opportunity to spend time with both my paternal and maternal grandparents.  My dad side of the family isn’t as big as my mom’s, so it was easier for all my cousins and siblings to get together throughout the month.  My maternal grandparents were very active in my life.  My grandfather taught me how to drive, ride a bike and I enjoyed every second of it, even help with yard work and in the garden.  He let a few of my cousins that were close enough, help decorate their home for Christmas.  We always had holiday gathers there, and just spent a lot of time there. 

3 thoughts on “Personal Childhood Web

  1. I love my grandmother and great-grandmother so much too! I think generational education is very beneficial as you grow up. Getting all those different perspectives makes you truly understand where you come from. I love to read about all the strong women who have supported you.


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