“My Supports”

As I try to find the perfect meaning for support, I realize there isn’t one. Support can be described in so many ways and have multiple meanings to it. Given assistance to, carried, provided comfort, and encouraged. These different meanings describe my immediate family; my mom and siblings. They are my BIGGEST support system. Being a single mom can be stressful at times, but it has molded me into the individual I have become today. My family has always supported my every move, from my career, to enrolling in school. Before I started my comfortable little job and started back school, I worked for retail. We all know that retail jobs usually doesn’t allow you to have a set schedule. So, having a newborn baby girl and trying to work was really hard for me but my family stepped in BIG TIME! Even though my baby was given my family the blues (they nicknamed her Weeping Wanda), they enjoyed their time with her. Some days, I would have to be at work as early as 6:45AM or work as late as 9:30PM. My eldest sibling would pick my baby up from daycare and keep her until I got off work (daycare closed at 6:00PM). Most weekends, I was scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday, which was really stressful. So, in order to give my mom and siblings a break, they would rotate who my daughter would stay with. I felt so guilty, I felt as if I was neglecting her because she was always on the go in a different city. but they never complained. Thinking back now, I would not have made it without them. I would not be as strong as I am today because of them. Today, I have a set scheduled job, no weekends and off by 5PM every day! Working retail really motivated me to not only want to do better for me, but for my daughter. I did not want to feel that guilt anymore and continue to miss out on her growing. Now, as I work my job and attending Walden University, I can enjoy making memorable moments and watching my daughter grow into the beautiful little girl she is today.

Without my immediate family, I wouldn’t say I would be lost, but I know I would not have had the great support that I had! Yes, my daughter has a great God Mother, but she has 3 daughters of her own, and a husband! At the time, I would have again, felt guilty with even allowing her to take on so much responsibilities as for all the caring for my daughter (even though I know she would have). Yes, I have multiple aunties, uncles and cousins that are very supportive, but there’s nothing like the support from your mother and sisters.

A challenge I would have to imagine would be moving out of Arkansas. Long before becoming a mom, I was not content with my life. I was not pleased with my career, I wanted a fresh start and honestly, most people are able to accomplish a lot once they have moved out of a certain environment. My choices were Georgia, Virginia and Texas! Fortunately, I do have family and friends in all 3 states. If this would have been my mom, I would have definitely had a great support system. My best friend is located in Texas and was very encouraging about the move. As for Virginia, I have an aunt and uncle and Georgia, a play sister! I believe if my outcome would be different and I had moved there, I would have a great support system! Very strong minded individuals whom I know would stir me in the right direction and uplift me as needed. Without each individual there to support my “move”, it would have been very difficult. Finding my way around a new city is always stressful, and of course employment but I would have probably secured that before the move. But just being sociable. Moving someone new is scary, it’s so much trafficking and killing going on in the world, I would not have considered going anywhere without someone I trusted! So, if push came to shove and I did not have the support I know I would have needed, I would have relocated back home!

3 thoughts on ““My Supports”

  1. Hi Shakita,
    I love the picture you posted of four beautiful queens who display strength and unity. I do not know them personally but the way you express your appreciation is very admirable. Yes, having a child does change a lot in your world. I am so glad you have a support system when you need help with your baby girl. God turned things around for you to allow time with her while having a career. I feel the same way about my children as well. I did not have much time with my daughter because I was always working and on the go. She is 10 years old now and she knows I will drop everything for her. I am more hands on with my son because he is still so young. My dad jokingly told me to raise him until he turn 5 years old and then he will take over. I do not have brothers so you can imagine how excited my dad was to find out I was having a boy. It sounds like our families have similar ethics when it comes to support. I wish you and your family the best. Nice post! 🙂


  2. Hi Shakita, I enjoyed reading your post! I feel every word you said in your blog about your support because it is the very same thing for me with my support team. I wanted to write so much more in mind, but I think I would probably need a whole section for my support team because they have done so much for me that words will not be enough to continue my expression of love and gratitude have provided towards me. When I was younger I never understood why they said Family comes first and that blood is thicker than water until I got older and I started getting the undivided attention and solid team on my side I started to realize that yeah the support is a very big deal! Thank you for sharing and I hope that the support will carry one with you and your daughter as she gets older.


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