Mommy of ONE

Being a parent never really crossed my mind. Of course, I was out enjoying my mid twenties, working 2 jobs just because I had so much free time, and of course partying. I’d always stated that if I wanted a child, LORD please it me have a girl and at least be pregnant by 25. So, guess who got pregnant 3 months after she turned 25 and had a girl? ME!!

At first, of course I was in total denial and disbelief. Still till this day, I am shocked that I have a daughter and that I’m someone’s mother! I would never forget wondering, when will my little friend come in November. Long story short, I finally took a test in January and after getting another pregnancy test done at the doctor’s office, I found out a little baby was on the way! Due date August 14, 2016. I only told my best friends at the time but me not informing my mother was stressing me out! Finally, February 12, I called my mother and told her I was expecting. After her hanging up on me because she thought I was joking, I called her back to inform her that I was telling the truth. So, then the word got out to a couple of my family members but that was it! I never posted anything on social media until my reveal party!

IT’S A GIRL!! Praise GOD! I got what I wanted! August 5, I was admitted into the hospital, nervous as any new parent is expected to be. The worst part I can honestly remember about being in labor was being check to see how far I dilated BEFORE the epidural. I cried every time and the pain medicine was not strong enough at that point! Finally, August 6, 2016 at 12:59pm, my baby girl was here! Miss. Aaliyah made her arrival 7lbs and 19 inches long! My baby has grown so much, she is beyond mature, smart and my best friend. We love to go shopping, out to eat, anything outdoors, bowling, Ultimate Air Trampoline visits and honestly, just anything we can do together!

My regards with giving birth is, I never would have made it without my family and the medical party at St. Bernard’s Hospital here in Jonesboro, AR! I had a wonderful nurse, her name was Liyah, and she was the best! She helped so much, made sure I was comfortable and let me get some rest before my big moment! I had at least 15 family members in the hallway jumping, screaming and hugging once they made the announcement of my sweet baby girl. Still, ’til this day, she is everyone’s baby. They have her so spoiled that mommy is beyond grateful!


80 percent of the northeast Nigerian women deliver their babies at home, rather than traditional, where as they are risking any type of medical assistance if something goes wrong. This can result in having a attendants using un-sanitize tools for the delivery, which may cause some health issues for the newborn or it if something goes wrong while in delivery and the mother dying. Nigeria is a very risky place to give birth. Around 58,000 mother’s die while giving birth every year and around 240,000 newborns die within 28 days of being born. Even though this is one of the wealthiest countries, it ranks fourth in maternal morality globally. Unfortunately, the United States may have more medical assistants, nurses and doctor’s than the communities in Nigeria, but they were blessed to have midwives to help with deliveries. These midwives are like superheroes, they work like clock work due to so many deliveries happening in the community. We have it made, being in our own room for 2-3 days, but in a Nigeria community, you have your baby and before a baby and prepping station is completely cleaned off for the mother, she is rushed off and another woman is here to deliver. They have to be ready for whatever.


3 thoughts on “Mommy of ONE

  1. Hey Shakita,
    I enjoyed reading your birth story. The details were so colorful and clear. I felt I was standing outside waiting for Baby Liyah with your family too. I can tell she is so special to you and your family. My daughter brought the same presence to my family as well. The excitement was so overwhelming I am sure. I am so glad your prayers were answered on time. God felt you were ready even though “we” say we are not ready. Children are here to show us how to love unconditionally. Before my first child, I did not have a concern in the world. I faced life head on. Now that I have my children, I find myself making decisions that benefits them as well as myself. I can say it has kept me out of sticky situations thus far. Thank you for sharing and keep being the awesome mom you are to Miss Liyah đŸ™‚


  2. Hi girl, I loved reading your mommy of one blog. It was definitely amazing to hear your giving birth story of having your daughter. It was also good to know that I was not the only one who was able to have a smooth delivery process. When I heard of some people stories they were so scary that I used to ask myself if I really wanted to have kids. Then I got to realize after having my own that everyone experience is completely different. Continue to do what you do with her, train her up in the right way and path and watch her blossom into that amazing humanbeing God has giving you. Hopefully in the future you have many more with such great and smooth process.


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