International Resources: Salvation Army

The Salvation Army has been pursuing their mission since 1865, serving 130 countries around the globe and assisting approximately 23 million Americans years. This nonprofit international organization is an international movement, that is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God and its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

The Salvation Army services not unless known for homeless shelters. They have programs that includes food pantries, disaster relief, spiritual healing, life skills to escape poverty, alcohol and drug rehab, job training and even help rescue Christmas. There is no limit to this organization. They provide assistance to the communities, help build programs that are designed to offer not only short-term and long-term growth, but immediate assistance in areas were they are needed the most. The Salvation Army organization is 100% invested in as many local communities as possible.

Since Covid-19 has occurred, the organization has served more than 225 million meals to families, provided emotional and spiritual care to almost 1 million people and have sheltered over 1.5 million individuals. They are always looking for volunteers in different areas to help with the many services they offer. In my community especially, they were a huge help a year ago today when our city was hit by EF3 tornado.

I’ve never realized how much nonprofit organizations go through to provide for communities in the world. It is wonderful to see how there are actually people in the world, who take so much time out of their lives to assistant the ones who are barely making ends meet. Also, to have so many stores like, Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, Target, and so much more to offer donations is a blessing. It’s important to have these types of resources available to people who are really down, especially veterans. It’s only right that we give back until they are able to provide for themselves. We are not here to judge, but to offer services to the world.


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