Code of Ethics Ideals


I-2.2: To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.

I-2.3: To welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program.

Professional Practice

Professional and Interpersonal Behavior

#6 We shall build relationships with individual children and families while individualizing the curricula and learning environments to facilitate young children’s development and learning.

The three ideal post above are important to me because they all represent the same code of ethics. It’s extremely important that we make time to communicate with our families as much as possible, so that are able to establish a mutual relationship with them. Also, another reason why it’s so important to build relationships with families is because it’s important to have parent involvement. In my professional career, I have witness parent’s being more involved in the program and in their child’s development when the staff has kept them up to date with the different activities that were approaching. Being able to have a Family Partnership Agreement meeting with parent’s has helped me find out their interests, struggles and what goals they are currently working towards or are wanting to achieve. These one on one meeting has also helped the parent’s feel more comfortable coming to staff for more personal problems because you have built that special relationship with them. I’ve had a lot of great success stories in the past with my families in the head start program and I hope to have a lot more in the future.


NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

3 thoughts on “Code of Ethics Ideals

  1. Shakita, I agree with you in wanting to have more experiences in the head start program. The fact that you are so eager to have more along the way shows that you really do have the passion and ability to be successful in achieving it above and beyond your expectations. All the best !


  2. Hey Shakita, when working for Headstart, you have to be an approachable person in order to work with families to provide resources. I think parent involvement is key for a child’s success. Parents’ first point of contact shouldn’t be when the child is in trouble or not passing the developmental milestones. When I worked for Headstart years ago, I conducted home visits to get an idea of each child’s in my classroom home life. The observations I performed were not in the best condition. I had to take my feelings out of it and make recommendations to the correct agencies to ensure children were provided resources at a minimum level starting point. I appreciate having the experience I gained from Headstart that allows me to apply my knowledge throughout my career.


  3. I want to thank you for all the caring and nurturing feeling for children. We do have to be very sincere about what we do for children and families. As an educator we all want to make a difference in a child’s life. As educators what we do and how we treat them can play a key role in a child’s life. Like all of us remember a teacher that was nice and encouraging to us. I wish you the best on your journey as an educator.


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