The Little Engine That Could!

By Watty Piper

I know a lot of early childhood teachers and non teachers love this book. I’ve never been into reading books unless it’s required, but I have grown to love this book because my daughter loves for me to read it to her. It’s another one of our mother daughter activities that we enjoy together. We all know how determine the clown, stuffed animals and little boy and girl dolls were to get over the mountain to the little children. They never gave up no matter how many times they were decline assistance. But then came along the little blue engine. Even though she had never pulled any train carts over the mountain, she was determine to get them over and she did just that! The moral of this story is similar to what all teacher’s should want. And that’s to help push our children to the best of their abilities no matter if they think they can’t. Motivation is the key!

Published by Shakita Brown

I am a 30 year old mother of a lovely daughter. I currently work for Arkansas Early Learning Head Start as a Family Service Worker and Health Assistance. The program is designed to help service low-income families with all required and needed resources. Also, while establishing a great relationship with these families, we provide required screenings for children, help with scheduling medical appointments and if needed, services due to a developmental delay.

4 thoughts on “The Little Engine That Could!

  1. I enjoyed this story as a child because it teaches a universal lesson, perseverance and hard work. Although, this is a fictional story, there is a lesson that can relate to real life issues. We, as people, need a boost of motivation from time to time. If only we believed in ourselves like the little engine that could, the sky would be the limit for us.

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  2. I know exactly how it is to read stories to kids that the truly enjoy. I’ve never really read that story, but I think I’ve seen the cartoon story once. It did show a lot of perseverance! I think this is what we need to encourage more to students. We also need to create that ambition circle from now allowing them room make mistakes and still know that they can do it once the put their minds to it. Nothing is too impossible to do once you believe in yourself because the sky is the limit. If you think it you can become it you will achieve it !


  3. Hi shakita,
    Love your post. Your job as a Family Advocate is important in head start. Working low income family is rewarding helping parent enroll their children plus helping parent with their goals can all be rewarding. I also work for head start in Montgomery so I am all to familiar with your job.
    I like The Little engine That Could as well we all need perseverance to get us through our master classes. I think we will all strive to accomplish what we have started. Thank you for your post.

    Melinda Abro

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