Early Childhood Quote

“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” ~ Jim Henson

Published by Shakita Brown

I am a 30 year old mother of a lovely daughter. I currently work for Arkansas Early Learning Head Start as a Family Service Worker and Health Assistance. The program is designed to help service low-income families with all required and needed resources. Also, while establishing a great relationship with these families, we provide required screenings for children, help with scheduling medical appointments and if needed, services due to a developmental delay.

4 thoughts on “Early Childhood Quote

  1. You are definitely right about the quote Shakita. The more you show them who you are and as naked you can be with them also coming down to their level to meet them the better they understand you and they will be able to relate to u much Moore.


  2. I enjoyed reading your quote. This quote is so true. An adult can tell children what is right but if the adult is then not living the way they are telling the children then the children will not learn the right way to be. Are actions teach all around us. Children are always watching.


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